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Chloé Fougères

Postdoctoral Appointee


Young researcher, my work focuses on nuclear astrophysics in accelerator facilities. I study explosive stellar nucleosynthesis while being a postdoctoral appointee in the Physics division linked to the acceleratory facility ATLAS in Argonne after my PhD obtained at the facility GANIL. The proton captures in novae and the alpha captures in the latter stages of core collapse supernovae are at the heart of my research interest that materializes by helping to set up nuclear experiments and detection systems in the above-mentioned facilities. Aiming at determining such thermonuclear rates, I use low energy stable and radioactive beams and particle detectors, e.g. the active gaseous ionization chamber MUSIC, as well as gamma-ray ones like the array AGATA. To improve the sensitivity and accuracy of such measurements, I am also helping to develop a time project chamber in the steps following MUSIC. My interest is also in the connection of the measured reaction rates in the ground laboratories with the associated in-situ productions and the expected astronomical observables of the stellar events. This leads me to work on stellar modeling through numeric simulations.