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Daniel Haskel

Senior Physicist, Group Leader

Group Leader, Magnetic Materials Group, Advanced Photon Source


Research Interests

Development of novel polarized x-ray techniques and instrumentation enabling studies of the interplay between structure and electronic structure (chiefly magnetism) in functional materials. Focus is on studies of element-specific magnetism exploiting x-ray dichroic effects. Depth-resolved/interfacial magnetism in layered nanostructures, site-specific magnetism in crystals, and local atomic structure are probed using a combination of polarized spectroscopy and scattering probes. Emphasis is on tunability with external stimulii, particularly high-pressure and magnetic fields. Research includes discovery of novel phenomena in magnetocalorics, permanent magnets, high Tc superconductors and other complex oxides (spinels, manganites, multiferroics, iridates).


Ph.D in Physics, University of Washington (1998)

M.Sc. in Physics, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) (1992)

B.Sc. in Physics, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) (1989)

Selected Publications

Possible Quantum Paramagnetism in Compressed Sr2IrO4, D. Haskel, G. Fabbris, J.H. Kim, L. Veiga, J. Mardegan, C. Escanhoela, S. Chikara, V. Struzhkin, T. Senthil, B. J. Kim, G. Cao, J-W. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 067201 (2020)

Pressure tuning of the spin-orbit coupled ground state in Sr2IrO4, D. Haskel, G. Fabbris, M. Zhernenkov, P. Kong, C. Jin, G. Cao, M. van Veenendaal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 027204 (2012)

Role of Ge in bridging ferromagnetism in the giant magnetocaloric Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 alloys, D. Haskel, Y. Lee, B. Harmon, Z. Islam, J. Lang, G. Srajer, Y. Mudryk, K. Gschneidner, V. Pecharsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 247205 (2007)

Atomic origin of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Nd2Fe14B, D. Haskel, J. Lang, Z. Islam, A. Cady, G. Srajer, M. van Veenendaal, P. Canfield, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 217207 (2005)

Enhanced interfacial magnetic coupling of Gd/Fe multilayers, D. Haskel, G. Srajer, J. Lang, J. Pollmann, C. Nelson, J. Jiang, S. Bader, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 207201 (2001)

Dopant and temperature induced phase transition in La2-xSrxCuO4 by XAFS, D. Haskel, E. Stern, D. Hinks, A. Mitchell, J. Jorgensen, J. Budnick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 439 (1996)

Synergetic Activities

Editorial board member, Scientific Reports (a Nature journal)

Associate Editor, Functional Materials (Quantum Materials)

Joint Appointments

Adjunct Professor, Physics Department, Washington University St. Louis

Fellow, Northwestern Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering (NAISE)


2021 Outstanding Referee American Physical Society (2021)

UChicago Argonne Board of Governors Distinguished Performance Award (2019)

Fellow, American Physical Society, Division of Condensed Matter Physics (2015)          

Advanced Photon Source Users Organization Excellence in Beamline Science Award (2015)

Argonne National Laboratory Inventor Award (2009)