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Danielle Hutchison

Postdoctoral Appointee

Synthetic inorganic chemist with expertise in polyoxometalates, small angle x-ray scattering, solution characterization, crystallography, and high pressure techniques


Education and Training

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate - University of Notre Dame (2020-2021)
  • PhD Inorganic Chemistry - Oregon State University (2019)
  • BS Chemistry/Biochemistry - St. John Fisher University (2014)

 Awards and Scholarships

  • Best Oral Poster Presentation – FMOCS VI Conference (2019)
  • David P. Shoemaker Memorial Fellowship – OSU (2019)
  • Milton Harris Summer Research Fellowship – OSU (2018)
  • OSU Chemistry Department Travel Award (2017)
  • Natural Sciences Award – St. John Fisher University (2014)
  • Excellence in Research – Virginia Tech NSF REU (2012)
