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Donald K. Sinclair


Don Sinclair has been a member of the HEP Division since 1984. Don’s research interests are in theoretical/computational high energy physics, in particular in Lattice Gauge Theory.


Don Sinclair has been a member of the HEP Division since 1984.
Physicist 1984-2007
STA/Associate/Divisional Emeritus 2007-present

Don was an undergraduate at the University of Adelaide where he earned B.Sc. and B.Sc.(Hons) degrees.
Don did his graduate work at SUNY at Stony Brook where he earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees.
Prior to coming to Argonne, Don was a postdoc at IAS, Princeton; Northwestern U.; Oxford U.; Cambridge U. & Rockefeller U., after which he held visiting faculty positions at
U. of Illinois (UC); Stanford U.; U. of Notre Dame & U. of Cincinnati.

Don’s research interests are in theoretical/computational high energy physics, in particular in Lattice Gauge Theory. Current research areas are in Lattice QCD at finite baryon number density, Lattice QED in strong external electromagnetic fields & lattice BSM.