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Ed Hoffman

Principal Nuclear Engineer


Edward Hoffman is a principal nuclear engineer in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Division of Argonne National Laboratory. His research has spanned a broad range of nuclear fuel cycle, advanced reactor design and analysis, and reactor physics related areas. Current research is focused on transition to potential advanced nuclear energy systems. He led a multilab team studying transition, cost and economic analysis and currently leads a multilab team developing and improving the DoE Systems Analysis integration’s cost analysis capabilities, and development of a small long-lived sodium-cooled fast reactor. Ed currently serves on the NEA Expert Group on Uranium Mining and Economic Development: Impacts on Local and National Economies and has also served on OECD/NEA/NSC/WPFC Task Force on Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous Recycling of Minor Actinides in Fast Reactors and the NEA Ad Hoc Expert Group on Electricity Generating Costs (EGC).


  • Ph.D in Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002
  • M.S. in Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995
  • M.S. in Health Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995
  • B.S. in Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1993

Selected Publications:

  1. K. Biegel, F. Ganda, E. Hoffman, J. Hansen, and A. Cuadra, Cost Drivers for Construction of DOE Large-Scale Nuclear Facilities,” ANL/NSE-19/23, Argonne National Laboratory, 2019.
  2. F. Ganda, E. Hoffman, T. A. Taiwo, T. K. Kim, and J. Hansen, Report on the ACCERT Cost Algorithms Tool,” ANL/NSE-19/10, Argonne National Laboratory, 2019.
  3. E. Hoffman (ANL), B. Feng (ANL), R. Hays (INL), A. Worrall (ORNL), E. Sunny (ORNL), J. Peterson (ORNL), Report on Transition Analyses to U/Pu Continuous Recycle in Fast and Thermal Reactors,” Argonne National Laboratory, FCRD- FCO-2016-000500, July 29, 2016.
  4. E. Hoffman (ANL), B. Dixon (INL), F. Ganda (ANL), J. Hansen (INL), Economics of Fuel Cycle Deployment – Approach & Methodology,” Argonne National Laboratory, FCRD- FCO-2015-000014, September 1, 2015.
  5. E. Hoffman (ANL), N. Brown (BNL), B. Carlsen (INL), B. Feng (ANL), R. Hays (INL), G. Raitses (BNL), N. Stauff (ANL), E. Sunny (ORNL), and A. Worrall (ORNL), Draft – Report on Transition to an Alternative Uranium-Based Fuel Cycle – Choices, Timing, and Costs,” Argonne National Laboratory, FCRD- FCO-2015-000287, July 31, 2015.
  6. X. Chen, A. Kotlyarevsky, A. Kumiega, J. Terry, B. Wu, S. Goldberg, and E. Hoffman, Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Parametric Modeling of Integrated Reactor Vessel Manufacturing Within a Factory Environment: Volume 2, Detailed Analysis,” Illinois Institute of Technology, 2013.
  7. F. Ganda, E. A. Hoffman, and K. Williams, Nuclear Energy System Evaluation and Screening—Levelized Cost of Electricity at Equilibrium,” FCRD-FCO-2013-000196, Idaho National Laboratory, June 30, 2013.
  8. B. Dixon, K.  Williams, J. Blink, J. Carter, E. Danko, F. Ganda, T.J. Harrison, E. Hoffman, E. Schneider, S. Sheetz, and T. Wood, Advanced Fuel Cycle Cost Basis (2012 Addendum),” FCRD-FUEL-2012-000099, Idaho National Laboratory, February 15, 2013 (lead author for preface and methodology section and the fast reactor cost basis module).
  9. A. Moisseytsev, E. Hoffman, and C. Grandy, Selection of Core Outlet Heat Transfer Temperature and Impacts on Fast Reactor Economics,” Nuclear Technology, 173, 251 (2011).
  10. T.A. Taiwo, S.E. Bays, A.M. Yacout, E.A. Hoffman, M. Todosow, T.K. Kim, and M. Salvatores, Impacts of Heterogeneous Recycle in Fast Reactors on Overall Fuel Cycle,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48 No. 4, 472 (2011).
  11. E.A. Hoffman, Preliminary Cost Estimate for the Small Modular Fast Reactor by Application of Economic Modeling Working Group Methodology,” Argonne National Laboratory, Preliminary Draft, ANL-GenIV-108, 2008.
  12. A. Moisseytsev, E. Hoffman, and C. Grandy, Selection of Core Outlet Heat Transfer Temperature and Impacts on Fast Reactor Economics,” Nuclear Technology, Vol. 173, Mar. 2011, pp 251-269.
  13. E.A. Hoffman and T.A. Taiwo, Fast Reactor Transmutation Performance and Conversion Ratio Effects,” PHYSOR-2010, Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance, Pittsburgh, PA, 2010.
  14. E. Hoffman, T. Taiwo, and R. Hill, Heterogeneous Recycle of Transuranic Fuels in Fast Reactors,” PHYSOR-2008, Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2008.
  15. E.A. Hoffman, W.S. Yang, and R.N. Hill, Preliminary Core Design Studies for the Advanced Burner Reactor over a Wide Range of Conversion Ratios,” Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-AFCI-177, 2006.
  16. E.A. Hoffman, Mixed-Oxide with Enriched Uranium Fuels in LWRs,” ANL-AFCI-164 (2006).
  17. E.A. Hoffman, Estimated Cost for Low Conversion Ratio Burners,” ANL-AFCI-118 (2004).