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Edgar C. Portante

Senior Energy Systems Engineer


Senior Energy Systems Engineer with focus on modeling, simulation, and performance assessment of electric and natural gas systems in the context of threats from natural and made-made hazards. Expertise includes analysis of inter-dependent electric and natural gas systems, assessment of power system performance under seismic and climate change stress, resolution of energy system operational problems, identification of system vulnerabilities, and development of resiliency enhancement options. Consistently serves as a lead engineer in numerous resiliency assessment projects conducted for industry and federal agencies (e.g., DHS, DOE, USAID, and FEMA). Managed program for the development of the early version of NGfast (for natural gas network simulation) and the current version of EPfast (for electric system simulation) models for impact assessment studies. Has a unique combination of computer and people skills. Prolific writer and publisher of scientific research papers.


  • Computer modeling, simulation, and analysis of energy systems (electric and natural gas)
  • Assessment of energy systems performance including validation and verification.
  • Natural gas-electric interdependency contingency analysis
  • Assessment of power system performance under seismic and climate change stress
  • Generation and transmission capacity expansion planning
  • Cascading failure analysis, unserved energy determination,  and power outage estimation
  • Research, data analysis, information synthesis, and report writing
  • Project management