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Feng Qiu

Group Leader, Advanced Grid Modeling - Optimization and Analytics

Renewable Integration | Power System Resilience | Modeling and Optimization | Machine Learning


Dr. Feng Qiu is currently a Principal Computational Scientist and a Section Leader at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). He leads the Advanced Grid Modeling, Optimization and Analytics group in the Center for Energy, Environmental, and Economic Systems Analysis (CEEESA) in Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis Division. He received his Ph.D from the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology with a concentration on Optimization, and joined Argonne in March of 2013. 

Dr. Qiu is the PI and Co-PI of multiple projects funded by Argonne Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD)DOE Office of Electricity (OE), DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE), and National Science Foundation (NSF). He serves as the lab Point of Contact (PoC) for DOE OE Advanced Grid Modeling program at ANL. He is also an Institute Fellow at Northwestern University in the Northwestern Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering, and an Affiliated Associate Professor at the Electric and Computer Engineering Department of Iowa State University. 

Dr. Qiu’s research interest includes power system modeling, optimization, and simulation, machine learning, grid resilience, renewable integration, electricity markets, etc.