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Gary Navrotski

Principal Engineer

Dr. Navrotski is a renowned builder of scientific instrumentation including complete X-ray optical and beamline systems. Specialties include materials for high heat-load applications and extreme high vacuum environments.



  • Ph.D. Cornell University - Materials Science          
  • P.E. Registered Professional Engineer - Illinois and Virginia Licensures
  • M.S. The George Washington University - Materials Engineering
  • B.S. Case Institute of Technology - Physics



  • Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project
  • Moraine Valley Community College (Adj. Faculty)
  • Advanced Photon Source
  • Northwestern University (ORD)
  • Waubonsee Community College (Adj. Faculty)
  • The University of Chicago (CARS)
  • Cornell High Energy Synchrotron (CHESS)
  • Reynolds Metals Company (R&D Center)
  • John Tyler College (Adj. Faculty)
  • NASA Langley Research Center  (Mat. Sci. Division)
  • Case Institute of Technology (Γ-ray astronomy)


Research Interests

  • Scientific Instrumentation Design
  • Beamline Engineering & Operation
  • X-ray Optics
  • Advanced Materials
  • Surface / Interface Science


Selected Publications

  • J.Collins, J.Nudell, G.Navrotski, Z.Liu and P.DenHartog, Establishment of new design criteria for GlidCop® X-ray absorbers, JSR 24 (2017) 402
  • G.Navrotski and B.Brajuskovic, Metallurgical Evaluation of Dissimilar Metal Joints…, Proc.(MEDSI2016), 220
  • B.Stillwell, B.Brajuskovic, J.Carter, H.Cease, R.Lill, G.Navrotski, J.Noonan, K.Suthar, D.Walters, G.Wiemerslage, J.Zientek, Research & Development on the Storage Ring Vacuum System… Proc.(NAPAC2016)
  • M.A.Antinmonov, A.M.Khounsary, A.R.Sandy, S.Narayanan and G.Navrotski, Influence of monochromator thermal deformations on X-ray focusing, Nucl.Instrum.Methods A 820 (2016) 164
  • A.Khounsary, P.Kenesei, J.Collins, G.Navrotski, J.Nudell, High Energy X-ray Micro-tomography … thermally fatigued GlidCop, J.Phys.425(2013)212015
  • Z.Liu, G.Rosenbaum, G.Navrotski Hockey-Puck Si Crystal Monochromator (SRI2013)
  • N.Kujala, A.Macrander, P.Strons, A.Khounsary, G.Navrotski, and L.Assoufid, High-Heat-Load Rocking Curve Studies of Cryo Contact-Cooled Si DCM (SRI2013)
  • J.Maj, C.Harmata, L.Maj, P.Fernandez, G.Navrotski, G.Waldschmidt, P.Chow, D.Capatina, L.Assoufid, X-ray Topography … High-Quality Concave Optics, Denver X-ray Conference (2013)
  • N.Kujala, A.Macrander, M.Ramanathan, E.Dufresne, G.Navrotski, S.Marathe, L.Assoufid, D.Mills, and D.Mancini, High-Heat-Load Studies of Cryogenically Internally Cooled Si DCM, J.Phys.(SRI2012)
  • A.Khounsary, P.Kenesei, J.Collins, G.Navrotski, and J.Nudell, High Energy X-ray Micro-tomography for the characterization of thermally fatigued GlidCop specimen, J.Phys. Conf. Ser. (SRI2012) 425 (2013) 212015. [doi:10.1088/1742-6596/425/21/212015]
  • J.Maj, G.Navrotski, X.Huang, L.Assoufid, R.Khachatryan, J.Qian, M.Wieczorek.The Effect of Surface Residual Stress on Performance of High Quality X-Ray Mirrors, San Diego (SPIE 2011)
  • G.Navrotski, Silver on Si(111): Surface Structural Transformations and Trace Contaminant Effects at Submonolayer Coverage, Cornell University (2007)
  • G.Navrotski, A Synchrotron Radiation Primer, A Vacuum Primer, A Comparison of World Synchrotron Radiation Sources, ADC Catalog (2005)
  • Blank, B., T.Kupp, E.Johnson, A.Deyhim, C.-C.Kao, W.Caliebe, G.Navrotski Goniometer with Nanoradian Accuracy, (MEDSI2002)
  • G.Navrotski,  BioCARS 14-ID Diamond Monochromator Retrofit, CARS Tech Note CTN-11 (2002)
  • G.Navrotski, Optical Ray Tracings for the BioCARS Wiggler and Undulator ID Beamline, CTN-10 (2001)
  • G.Navrotski, Final Design Report of Technical Components for the BioCARS Sector 14 at the APS (1995)
  • G.Navrotski, Construction of Be Windows for UHV Use, J.Vac.Sci.Technol.A, 12 (1994) 262
  • M.J.Bedzyk, G.Navrotski and M.V.Koval’chuk, X-Ray Standing Wave Study of Atomic Positions in Cd.99Zn.01Se.04Te.96, Cornell University, MSC Report #7600 (1994)
  • Q.Shen, J.P.Chang, G.Navrotski, and J.M.Blakely, X-Ray Diffraction Study of Ni(111)5[110] Vicinal Surface, Phys.Rev.Lett.64 (1990) 451
  • M.J.Bedzyk, Q.Shen, M.Keeffe and G.NavrotskiX-Ray Standing Wave Structural Determination for I on Ge(111), Surf.Sci., 220 (1989) 419


Awards and Honors

  • Award - ANL Launchpad Lecture Series (2015)
  • Argonne National Laboratory - LDRD R&D Grant
  • American Vacuum Society / JVST Award
  • Sigma Xi Research Grant
  • Reynolds Metals Company, Corporate R&D Medal


Additional Information

  • Sigma Xi, The Honorary Scientific Research Society (ΣX)
  • American Society for Materials International (ASM)
  • American Physical Society (APS)  
  • American Vacuum Society (AVS)
  • Technical Journal SME Reviewer - ASME, JSR
  • Canadian Light Source - MAC
  • ANL Review Committees - LDRD, APS Instrumentation GUP, ANL Visiting Faculty Program & ad-hock Engineering Design Review Committees



APS Upgrade Project: R. Hettel, E. Peoples‐Evans, N. Arnold, R. Bechtold, B. Brajuskovic, J. Carter, C. Doose, J. Downey, L. Emery, K. Harkay, S. Izzo, M. Jaski, J. Nudell, M. O’neill, G. Shen, K. Volin, G. Wiemerslage, J. Zientek, G. Decker, H. Cease, M. Ramanathan, R. Dejus, M. Erdmann, J. Fuerst, J. Grimmer, M. Kasa, J. Lerch, E. Moog, J. Mulvey, N. Poindexter, D. Skiadopoulos, F. Westferro, F. Lacap, M. Leighton, J. Mcghee, T. Barsz, R. Connatser, T. Fornek, J. Kerby,

X-Ray Science Division:  J. Lang, S. Benda , A. Mashayekhi, S. Shastri, J. Almer, L. Assoufid, E. Kasman, B. Smither, M. Wieczorek, S. Heald, K. Beyer, G. Jennings, L. Ribaud, R. Spence, U. Ruett, Z. Islam, D. Keavney, J. Mcchesney, R. Rosenberg, D. Haskel, V. De Andrade, A. Deriy, K. Fezzaa, F. De Carlo, D. Cyl, R. Harder, J. Maser, E. Maxey, C. Roehrig, V. Rose, B. Lai, H. Hong, E. Karapetrova, R. Winarski, Z. Zhang, H. Zhou, J. Tischler, R. Conley, J. Montgomery, B. Shi, R. Fischetti, R. Winans, J. Ilavsky, C. Kmak, C. Kurtz, S. Seifert, A. Macrander, P. Jemian, T. Mooney, J. Sullivan, S. Bean, E. Benda, D. Capatina, J. Carmichael, J. Knopp, C. Preissner, L. Shoudis, M. Fisher, T. Gog, E. Alp, D. Casa, A. Said, T. Toellner, M. Upton, N. Schwarz, A. Sandy, E. Dufresne, A. Kastengren, S. Narayanan, L. Shoudis, J. Strzalka, D. Walko, J. Baldwin, L. Gades, J. Weizeorick, A. Miceli, B. Von Dreele, B. Toby, S. Vogt, M. Beno, X. Shi, Y. Shvydko, M. Wojcik, S. Kearney, D. Shu, G. Long, R. Reininger, R. Ferry, G. Shen

APS Engineering Division:  J. Connolly, R. Furst, G. Moonier, J. Pace, E. Swetin, E. Theres , J. Andrist, J. Downey, M. Givens, T. Grabinski, P. Gunkelman, D. Jensen, R. Kalt, J. Mulvey, M. O’neill, N. Poindexter, D. Skiadopoulos, K. Thompson, W. Turner, K. Wakefield, K. Walker, P. Mc Namara, L. Morrison, B. Rusthoven, G. Markovich, D. Reigle, M. Westbrook, J. Wold, L. Devito, F. Lacap, S. Leatherman, M. Leighton, K. Sidorowicz, J. Connolly, M. Bosek, D. Boughton, B. Brajuskovic, J. Carter, L. Cokeley, J. Collins, M. Erdmann, S. Hanuska, S. Izzo, Y. Jaski, S. Lee, J. Lerch, J. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Nudell, O. Schmidt, K. Suthar, E. Trakhtenberg, K. Volin, F. Westferro, G. Wiemerslage, P. Den Hartog, T. Clute, J. Hoyt, K. Knoerzer, M. Martens, J. Zientek, J. Gagliano, J. Penicka, R. Gwekoh, W. Jansma, S. Petersen, S. Wesling, G. Pile, J. Maclean, S. Davey, P. Pedergnana, M. White, G. Shen, J. Wold, N. Arnold, Group Leader, Fms Aps Site, R. Tollner, ,

Accelerator Systems Division:  M. Borland, G. Waldschmidt, A. Nassiri, K. Boerste, R. Dejus, C. Doose, J. Fuerst, J. Gagliano, J. Grimmer, M. Jaski, M. Kasa, E. Moog, I. Vasserman, J. Dooling, K. Harkay, W. Berg, L. Emery, N. Sereno, E. Gluskin, A. Zholents, E. Chang

ANL Multi-Divisional: Jim Grudzinski, Subhasish Mohanty, David Chojnowski, Lydia A. Finney, Michael Minkhoff

The University of Chicago: Yu-Sheng Chen,  Anthony DiChiara,  Peter Eng,  Robert Henning,  Irina Kosheleva,  Antonio Lanzirotti,  Nancy Lazarz,  Binhua Lin,  Guy Macha,  Mati Meron,  Keith Moffat,  Matthew Newville,  Patti Pedergnana,  Vukica Srajer,  Stephen Sutton,  Matthew Tirrell,  Yanbin Wang

Northwestern University:   Denis T. Keane, Michael Bedzyk, Steven Weigand, Keith Brister, Michael Bolbat, Spencer Anderson, Jay VonOsinski

Cornell University (CHESS): Joel Brock, Armand Beaudoin, Ernie Fontes, Sol Gruner, Matt Miller, D. Marian Szebenyi, Ken Finkelstein, Stanislav Stoupin, Mike Cook, John Kopsa, Bill Miller, Dana Richter