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Geeta Nain

Predoctoral Appointee

Tropical Cyclone Risks for the U.S. Coasts and Offshore


Geeta Nain assesses climate informed risk such as tropical cyclone induced storm surge risk for the U.S. Coasts and wind risk for Offshore wind farms in the Environment Science Division. Her research involves Tropical cyclone modeling, hydrodynamic modeling of storm surge and quantifying risk induced with different synthetic tropical cyclone hazard models in changing climate. She gained four years of work experience in catastrophe modeling at Risk Management Solutions, India and obtained a professional master’s degree in Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) with a computational sciences track in a computational interdisciplinary grad program from Purdue University. 


Research Interests:

Tropical Cyclone and Climate Change

Hydrodynamic modeling of storm surge (ADCRIC/MIKE)

Catastrophe Hazard Modeling and Risk assessment

Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling of CMIP products

Quantifying uncertainty in Climate Models and Bias Correction