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Gordon Peterson

Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellow


Gordon is a Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellow working in the Materials Science Division since Oct. 2022. His project focuses on the design and characterization of functional and environmentally-friendly solid-state materials through a combination of experimental, computational, and data-driven approaches. He is currently interested in the role of structural disorder on electrical and thermal transport in thermoelectric semiconductors.

Gordon received his B.A. in Chemistry from Cornell University in 2014, and his Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020 under the guidance of Prof. Danny Fredrickson. His thesis work investigated the crystal and electronic structures of complex intermetallic materials. Before joining Argonne, Gordon was the McElrath Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Houston, where he worked with Prof. Jakoah Brgoch on using machine learning to guide the design of new materials.