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Jae Jin Kim

Assistant Materials Scientist


Dr. Jae Jin Kim’s research interests broadly lie in the areas of materials synthesis/characterization and electrochemistry/physics of charge/mass transport in solids/interfaces for electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies, including high temperature solid oxide cells, lithium/multivalent ion batteries, and lead-acid batteries. He has extensive experience in advanced in situ/operando materials characterization such as synchrotron-based X-ray techniques. He holds B.S and M.S. from Seoul National University and Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology; all in Materials Science and Engineering.

Research Areas of Interest

  • Advanced materials and components development for affordable and reliable hydrogen production via high temperature electrolysis.
  • Materials design/characterization and reliable electrode evaluation protocol development for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) - the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.
  • Accelerated discovery of entropy-stabilized, conversion-type lithium ion battery (LIB) cathode materials via combinatorial synthesis and computational modeling – the Argonne Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program; the lead-PI.
  • Polymer-ceramic composite and sulfide-based glass solid electrolyte development for all solid state batteries (ASSB) – the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
  • Development of advanced lead-acid batteries – the Argonne Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) program.
  • Exploration of charge transfer kinetics of multivalent ion battery materials – the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR), the Office of Science.
  • Structure-battery performance relation for conversion-type LIB materials and interfaces instability of oxide-based solid electrolytes for ASSB – the Center for Electrochemical Energy Science, the Office of Science.


Google Scholar: https://​schol​ar​.google​.com/​c​i​t​a​t​i​o​n​s​?​u​s​e​r​=​_​q​S​f​x​H​Y​A​A​A​A​J​&​h​l​=​e​n​&​oi=ao