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Jiayi (Jason) Xu

Postdoctoral Appointee


Jiayi (Jason) Xu is a postdoctoral appointee in the Catalysis Science Group of the Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division. His research interests is to employ first-principle simulation to achieve catalysts/materials design for C-C and C-H bond functionalization and energy conversion and storage.


  • B.S., Tim Taylor Department of Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, 2016
  • Ph.D. Tim Taylor Department of Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, 2021

Awards and Honors

  • 17th International Congress on Catalysis Travel Award, 2020
  • 2nd Great Plain Catalysis Symposium Travel Award, 2019
  • William H. & Virginia Honstead Fellowship Scholarship, 2019
  • Engineering Research and Graduate Program (ERPG) Funding, 2018
  • Sustainable Energy Award, 2018
  • Graduate Student Council (GSC) Travel Award, 2018