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John G. Stevens

Program Manager, Reactor Material Management

John Stevens leads the Reactor Material Management Programs in Argonne’s Nuclear Science and Engineering Division, whose teams perform reactor conversion design and analysis, in addition to contributing to development of advanced fuels.


Dr. John G. Stevens is a Senior Nuclear Engineer and leads the Reactor Material Management Programs in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Division. He is a reactor physicist with over 30 years of engineering experience. Dr. Stevens currently has the role of International Reactor Conversion Technical Lead within the NNSA Material Management & Minimization Reactor Conversion Program. John also serves as a Relationship Manager in DNN MMM (NA-23) for Argonne’s National Security Programs. Prior to the broad leadership role, Dr. Stevens served as Reactor Conversion Technical Lead for the U.S. High Performance Research Reactor (USHPRR) and European High Flux Reactor (EUHFR) conversion programs.  The multi-laboratory USHPRR effort is focused upon converting the five remaining HEU fueled research reactors in the U.S. (MITR, MURR, NBSR, ATR and HFIR).  The multinational EUHFR collaboration is focused upon conversion of the Belgian BR2, French RHF, French JHR, and German FRM-II reactors.

Dr. Stevens is a Purdue Engineer, having completed his Ph.D. as a Department of Energy Fellow in 1995.  He commercialized his nuclear optimization dissertation work to save fuel and millions of dollars for customers in Sweden, the U.S., and Taiwan.  Prior to joining Argonne in 2005, he worked for the leading international nuclear power software firm Studsvik Scandpower, Inc.  As a student, John worked for Westinghouse Nuclear Fuels Division and for the French Center for Nuclear Studies at Cadarache.

Dr. Stevens has been a member of the American Nuclear Society since 1985, active in a variety of roles at the local and national level over the years.  He has been a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) since 1995.