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John P. Greene

Target Development Engineer


Previously at ANL for five years in one of the atomic physics groups prior to working in the target lab.

In 1987 began making targets under the tutelage of George Thomas, one of the early pioneers of the International Nuclear Target Development Society (INTDS). Over the past 30 years the target laboratory has developed into a world class facility, not only supporting ATLAS target demands but tackling the most difficult target preparations on a world-wide scale. This has resulted most recently into the Center for Accelerator Target Science (CATS). Production techniques include; Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) by thermal evaporation, electron beam and electron bombardment and sputtering. This is accomplished using two state-of-the-art deposition systems; an INTLVAC Nanochrome Model NANACT2Il evaporator and an Angstrom Engineering Nexdep 03532 deposition tool. Targets are also manufactured by pressing, spin casting, molecular plating and mechanical rolling.

The Physics Division Target Laboratory is also the Point of Contact for supplying thin targets for the FRIB experimental program once underway at Michigan State University.

Outside of Argonne, started playing drums at 10 years of age and has been drumming professionally since 1970. Cultivated a deep love of the Chicago Blues and played in many bands at some of Chicago’s best venues. Been arranging original drums tracks over the past few decades with Artists such as John Proskin, Art Westinghouse and others. Periodically involved in Jimi Hendrix tribute bands including Jeff Marshall, Axis and lately, The Electric Gypsy Band. Current projects consist of; Obsidian Switch a heavy metal band based at Treehouse Studios in Chicago and the heavy rock trio Hard Gravity based in the Western Suburbs. Both on the current label Ten24 records.