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John P. Quintana

Deputy Associate Laboratory Director

Senior Advisor for Energy and Global Security (EGS)


John P. Quintana is Senior Advisor for Energy and Global Security (EGS) at Argonne National Laboratory. Leveraging extensive experience in engineering, research, and management, Dr. Quintana works with leaders in EGS and across the laboratory to continuously improve mission support services offered with high quality leadership, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Dr. Quintana’s 10-plus years of experience at Argonne include six years as an associate division director in the Advanced Photon Source (APS), where he was responsible for the groups performing mechanical engineering design and mechanical maintenance, as well as radiation and experimental safety. He has served as Argonne’s Deputy Chief Operations Officer since August 2011.

Before joining Argonne, Dr. Quintana spent more than 12 years working at Northwestern University as a research professor and engineer specializing in the design, construction, and operations of beamline experimental facilities at the APS. Working in collaboration with APS management, he advanced the missions of the U.S. Department of Energy and his sponsors by delivering on the technical requirements of the facility and ensuring cooperation between industry, academia, and Argonne.

Dr. Quintana’s contributions to the nation’s mission began as an engineering undergraduate when he worked at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. After graduate school, he concentrated his postdoctoral efforts towards X-ray optics design and testing as a visiting researcher at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, during his Northwestern tenure.

Dr. Quintana has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and holds a doctorate in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.