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John Quinn

Principal Hydrogeology Specialist


Conceptual and numerical modeling of groundwater systems, three-dimensional scientific visualization of subsurface data and modeling results, contaminant transport modeling. Expert user of MODFLOW, MT3D, GMS. Phytoremediation system design, assessment of remediation systems and natural attenuation, decision-making for long-term monitoring. Geostatistics and uncertainty assessment, including use of statistical/geostatistical methods in probabilistic estimation of radiologically contaminated soil volumes, modeling of complex aquifer-aquitard relationships, and assessment of flow model uncertainty. Water resources investigations, wellhead protection zone delineation, stormwater and flooding analyses, GIS. Ecosystem services (ES) of perennial bioenergy crops, especially in marginal lands. Geospatial tool development for delineation of marginal land, determination of ES, and economic valuation of ES. Environmental impacts of the energy-water nexus, especially for nuclear power plants, utility-scale solar energy, NORM, oil shale, and tar sands. Project management, including staff selection, progress and financial reporting, and quality assurance. State-licensed professional engineer.