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Kamila Magdalena Wiaderek

Beamline Scientist/Electrochemist


Kamila M. Wiaderek is a chemist running Electrochemistry Facility at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. She applies pair distribution function analysis, small angle scattering and diffraction, often operando or in situ, to understand structure-properties relationships of various battery components including cathodes, anodes and electrolytes. Previously Wiaderek worked on Northeast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) where she was involved in design and implementation of an AMPIX electrochemical battery cell for operando X-ray scattering and spectroscopy, and operando studies of many battery materials using synchrotron-based X-ray scattering techniques. Currently Wiaderek is involved in X-CEL, eXtreme Fast Charge Cell Evaluation of Lithium-ion Batteries where she applies her operando/insitu experience to study cell heterogeneity induced by fast rates. 


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Education and Training

PhD, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, Chemistry, 2011

BS/MS, AGH University of Science, Krakow, Poland, Geochemistry, 2003

Research and Professional Experience

2019 – present Chemist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, responsible for operations of electrochemistry support facility at APS, overseeing safety of APS user operations, supervising postdoctoral researcher (X-CEL)

2015 – 2019 Assistant Chemist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, responsible for operations of electrochemistry support facility at APS, conduct research (NECCES)

2011 – 2015 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, conduct research (NECCES)


2019 Charles Hatchett Award