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Kevin J. Beckman

Software Analyst

Web and software developer, with responsibilities in programming, web site management, document control, and administrative record preparation.



  • B.S., Mathematics and Computer Science, University of St. Francis, 2010.


Programming and development of websites and desktop applications; design and implementation of databases for environmental analysis; modeling and analysis for visual impact assessment.

Career Highlights

  • Programmer: Modernized graphics application for use with RESRAD software, web-based platform for presenting Argonne GIS data; web-based tools for collecting data and streamlining analysis for studies relating to aquatic nuisance species transfer between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins; objective editor for the Index of River Functionality tool of the Water Use Optimization Toolset.
  • Webmaster: Websites for environmental projects, including several for public involvement in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and a website providing real-time environmental monitoring data.
  • Administrative record preparation: Technical support for streamlining document index preparation for administrative records of NEPA projects.
  • Visual impact assessment assistant: Database design, programming, modeling, and analysis for projects analyzing visual impacts of solar energy or wind energy development.