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Kirk E. LaGory

Argonne Associate


  • Program Management: Effects of energy development on ecological resources and systems; Colorado River Storage Project hydropower operations and adaptive management; management of ecological resources on federal lands.
  • Principal investigator: Environmental reviews of hydropower operations and nuclear reactor licensing; science planning for oil and gas development in Alaska; modeling and field studies of energy development effects on sage grouse and other bird populations; use of indicator species to monitor effects of forest management; field studies of endangered species, rare natural communities, and wetlands.
  • Collaboration: Development of flow and temperature recommendations to protect endangered fishes downstream of hydroelectric facilities; member of the Flaming Gorge Dam technical working group; member of the Colorado River endangered fishes Recovery Team.
  • Developer: Numerous interagency agreements and proposals.


Research, analysis, and modeling of human impacts on ecological resources and systems; mitigation and monitoring of impacts on habitats and species populations.


Ph.D., Zoology, Miami University, 1984.