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Lindsay Buettner

HR Team Lead

Lindsay Cullen is a University Student Programs Lead at Argonne, and is responsible for the management of recruitment and professional development across the Laboratory’s undergraduate and graduate student programs portfolio.


Lindsay Cullen is a University Student Programs Lead at Argonne, and is responsible for the management of recruitment and professional development across the Laboratory’s undergraduate and graduate student programs portfolio. She handles the university recruitment processes while also evaluating and addressing gaps in the current programming. Additionally, she is developing a mentorship initiative encompassing all university programs. Lindsay wants to assist future scientists, engineers, and technologists in developing a diverse, well-rounded toolbox for academic, professional, and personal success.

To help students transition from academia to career pathways, Lindsay earned an M.A. in Counseling from Lewis University (Romeoville) and a B.S. in Psychology from Loyola University, Chicago. Working in higher education, she has specialized in developing and implementing workshops, internships, mentorships, and other student development programming. Most recently, she held a position in Joliet Junior College’s Career Services, where she managed career workshops, mentor programs, and internships for over 15,000 students annually.

Lindsay is a member of the American School Counseling Association and the Professional Association of Resume Writers. Through the Professional Association of Resume Writers, she regularly volunteers to write resumes and offer coaching on interviews for college students and other job seekers unable to afford professional development services. As a hobby, she likes to bake and experiment with different ingredients.