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Matthew R. Mahalik

Software Developer


Matthew Mahalik’s work focuses on the design, implementation, and application of CEEESA’s computer modeling tools. CEEESA’s models are used extensively at Argonne and by other organizations, both domestically and internationally, for a wide range of energy, economic, and environmental applications ranging from hourly operations to long‐term planning. His models are currently being used in real‐time to optimize the marketing of Central Valley Project (CVP) facilities in California and for near term firm power purchase decisions for the Western Area Power Administration’s (Western’s) Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) Office. He has conducted hydropower systems analyses for both Western and the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), including economic evaluations of hydropower resources at the Glen Canyon Dam, Flaming Gorge Dam, the Aspinall Cascade, and the Central Valley Project, as well as analyses in support of several Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).

For DOE, he has performed analyses of the effects of plug‐in and electric vehicle adoption on the operation of the electric power system across several areas of the U.S., and has investigated the potential transition to a hydrogen‐based personal transportation economy. He has also supported other sponsors in the U.S. and around the world by conducting analyses related to hydropower optimization, power marketing, grid interconnection, power economics, transportation, and overall energy systems. Mr. Mahalik participates in training courses as a lecturer and model instructor. Training courses for the EMCAS and GTMax models have been provided to Energias de Portugal (EDP), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), Korea Power Exchange (KPX), and Rede Eléctrica Nacional (REN, Portugal). Currently, he is developing a new tool for DOE to optimize hydropower day-ahead scheduling and real-time operations as part of the integrated Water Use Optimization Toolset project.