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Matthew Thomas Weathered

Principal METL Experimental Operations Engineer


Dr. Matthew Weathered is an engineer in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He has significant experience in the design and operation of high temperature alkali metal systems relevant to the nuclear energy and concentrated solar industry. He currently works as an engineer and operator of the Mechanisms Engineering Test Loop (METL), a 700+ gallon reactor grade sodium facility capable of testing small to intermediate scale test articles for commissioning reactor components and instrumentation. He is the principal investigator for the Thermal Hydraulic Experimental Test Article (THETA), a scaled test article capable of simulating a pool type sodium fast reactor under various operating regimes while collecting 9,000+ data points with the use of distributed optical fiber temperature sensors, thermocouple rakes and electromagnetic flowmeters. His previous work deploying optical fiber temperature sensors in sodium and molten salt to quantify thermal phenomena can be found published in ASME and IEEE journals.

Dr. Weathered completed his bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University in 2013 and his Masters and Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018.