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Michael J. Servis

Assistant Chemist

Combining simulation and experiments to understand structure and interfaces of complex liquids with application to chemical separations


Michael Servis is a staff scientist in the Heavy Element and Separation Science group. His research interests include computational and experimental methods applied to liquid/liquid interfaces and organic phase aggregation in liquid/liquid extraction.

Professional Experience

  • 2020-present: Assistant Chemist, CSE, Argonne National Laboratory


  • 2017-2020: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Chemistry, Washington State University
  • 2017: Ph.D., Nuclear Science and Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
  • 2011: B.A., Physics, Carleton College

Research projects

  • Heavy Element and Separation Science group: hierarchical structure in complex solutions, energetic drivers of metal separations, surfactant-laden liquid interfaces, molecular dynamics simulations
  • Critical Materials: liquid-liquid phase transitions in rare earth separations, critical phenomena, small-angle x-ray scattering and x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy


Google Scholar profile


Current postdoctoral associates

  • Brittany Bonnett (PhD Virginia Tech)
  • Derrick Poe (PhD University of Notre Dame)
  • Xiaoyu Andy” Wang (PhD Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Tasnim Rahman (PhD Oregon State University)

Former postdoctoral associates

  • Pubudu Wimalasiri (Intel)