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Nicholson T. Collier

Senior Software Engineer

Agent-based simulation development and large-scale computation


Nicholson Collier is Software Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory and Staff Software Engineer in the Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering at the University of Chicago. Dr. Collier develops, architects and implements large-scale agent-based models and frameworks in a variety of application areas, including the transmission of infectious diseases, biological systems, and critical materials supply chains.  He also develops large-scale model exploration workflows across various domains, including agent-based modeling, microsimulation and machine/deep learning. Dr. Collier is the lead developer for the Repast project (repast​.github​.io) for agent- based modeling toolkits and co-developer of the Extreme-scale Model Exploration with Swift (EMEWS) framework for large-scale model exploration capabilities on high performance computing resources (emews​.org).