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Peco Myint

Software Engineering Specialist


Peco Myint received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics in 2015 from Haverford College. He then attended Boston University, where he received his Master’s degree in Physics in 2017 and got Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Karl Ludwig. He then joined Dynamics and Structure (DYS) group in the X-ray Science Division at the Advanced Photon Source as a postdoctoral fellow to work with Dr. Zhang Jiang on conducting Coherent Scattering and Surface Imaging (CSSI) experiments and developing reconstruction algorithms for the upcoming APS-U CSSI feature beamline.

Research interests:

  • Thin film growth, non-linear spontaneous nano-patterning, and surface characterizations
  • X-ray Photon Correlation spectroscopy (XPCS
  • Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS)
  • Coherent Scattering and Surface Imaging (CSSI) in Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI), Ptychography, Tomography methodologies. 

Select publications:

Peco Myint, Karl F Ludwig Jr, Lutz Wiegart, Yugang Zhang, Andrei Fluerasu, Xiaozhi Zhang, and Randall L Headrick. de Gennes Narrowing and Relationship between Structure and Dynamics in Self-Organized Ion-Beam Nanopatterning”. In: Physical Review Letters 126.1 (2021), p. 016101

Peco Myint, Denise Erb, Xiaozhi Zhang, Lutz Wiegart, Yugang Zhang, Andrei Fluerasu, Randall L Headrick, Stefan Facsko, and Karl F Ludwig Jr. Measurement of Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier contribution to the self-organized formation of ordered surface patterns on Ge (001)”. In: Physical Review B 102.20 (2020), p. 201404

Randall L Headrick, Jeffrey G Ulbrandt, Peco Myint, Jing Wan, Yang Li, Andrei Fluerasu, Yugang Zhang, Lutz Wiegart, and Karl F Ludwig. Coherent X-ray measurement of step-flow propagation during growth on polycrystalline thin film surfaces”. In: Nature communications 10.1 (2019), p. 2638

More publication records are on Google Scholar.