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Peter Mueller

Principal Physicist


Peter Mueller is an experimental physicist at Argonne’s Physics Division. His research interests lie in precision tests of fundamental symmetries and interactions, nuclear structure studies via laser spectroscopy, and in the application of laser spectroscopy for ultra-sensitive trace-isotope analysis. He has extensive experience with neutral atom traps of rare isotopes in atomic and nuclear physics and significantly contributed to the development of the Atom Trap Trace Analysis technique. He is the lead-PI of Argonne’s TRACER Center that is aimed to advance the science of krypton dating to a practical level for young and ancient groundwater and glacial ice.

Dr. Mueller received his PhD in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.) in 2003 from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany before becoming a postdoctoral fellow at Argonne’s Physics Division in 2003 and receiving Argonne’s Willard Frank Libby Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2005. He is a staff scientist in PHY since 2007 and an Affiliate Assistant Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle since 2012. He received a Young Scientist Prize in Nuclear Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in 2010, a DOE Office of Science Early Career Grant in 2011, and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2012.