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Peter Van Gemmeren

Principal Computational Scientist

Lead developer of Input / Output software framework and data storage for multiple 100 PB HEP data for the ATLAS experiment at CERN.


Johannes Gutenberg UniversityRelated Actions and Preview Senior Software Applications Engineer | PhD in Physics

University of SiegenRelated Actions and Preview Senior Software Applications Engineer | Master Level Degree in Physics

University of SiegenRelated Actions and Preview Senior Software Applications Engineer | Bachelor Equivalence in Physics

Senior Software Applications EngineerRelated Actions and Preview Senior Software Applications Engineer | Brookhaven National Laboratory | December 2003 - October 2005 | Upton, NY

Integrated persistency framework (POOL) into ATLAS core software for event store data
Designed and Implemented Back Navigation” feature

Member of Technical Staff | Lucent Technologies | May 2000 - November 2003 | Lisle, IL

Research Associate | Fermi National Accelerator Lab | June 1998 - April 2000 | Batavia, IL

Led group responsible for design and prototyping of D0 silicon detector (F-disks)