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Simon Corrodi

Assistant Physicist

Simon is a scientist exploring the limits of the Standard Model of Particle Physics through precision tests in high-intensity experiments which allow for probing of energy scales far beyond accelerator capabilities.


Simon is a scientist exploring the limits of the Standard Model of Particle Physics through precision tests in high-intensity experiments which allow for probing of energy scales far beyond accelerator capabilities. More specifically, his research is focused on experiments with muons. He obtained his PhD from ETH Zurich in 2018 for his involvement in the Mu3e experiment. Simon is based at Argonne and focuses on the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab in which he had many roles over the years. He was the experiment’s operations co-manager for Run-6, the experiment’s last data-taking run, and is co-coordinator of the Run-4/5/6 analysis. In parallel, he works on electronics and DAQ aspects of the Cosmic Ray Veto detector of the Mu2e experiment also at Fermilab.