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Tom Randall

Visiting Student - Graduate

Hi, my name is Thomas Randall. I am a Graduate Research Assistant at Clemson University in the School of Computing. I work on scalable High Performance Computing applications, specifically in the intersection of (GPU) accelerators and deep learning proces



Professional Experience

  • Argonne National Labs Givens Associate
    • Summer 2020; 2022; 2023
  • Performance Autotuning Projects
    • Projects lead by Dr. Xingfu Wu and Dr. Prasanna Balaprakash
  • Graduate Research Assistant
    • Fall 2019 -- Present
    • Manage laboratory-owned server hardware and software configuration
    • Systems research on scalable computing with GPU accelerators, cluster computing, machine learning
    • Advise and be advised by past and present SCALAB students and mentors lead by Dr. Rong Ge, including Dr. Tyler Allen, Dr. Pengfei Zhou, Dr. Zhang Miao, Bennett Cooper and Naman Kulshreshtha

Educational Experience

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
    • Fall 2019 -- Spring 2023
    • Grade 30-100+ students per semester
    • Prepare projects, homework assignments and examinations for courses
    • Courses include: Systems Organization (Undergraduate Level), Parallel Architectures (Graduate Level), Intro to Computer Security (Cross-Listed)