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William L. Ebert

Department Manager, Pyroprocess & Materials Development


William Ebert has more than 32 years of experience in applied research at Argonne National Laboratory in projects addressing the design, testing, and performance modeling of engineered high-level radioactive waste forms and spent fuel in storage and disposal environments. He has developed test methods and degradation models for glass, glass/ceramic, metallic, and cermet waste forms and directly disposed oxide nuclear fuel, including models that were used to calculated radionuclide source terms for HLW waste in dose calculations for the DOE license application for the proposed Yucca Mountain repository.  His on-going research continues to strengthen the scientific bases linking materials design, durability testing, and performance modeling to increase confidence in long-term performance assessments of nuclear and other materials.  Current projects addresses various aspects of the electrometallurgical reprocessing of spent fuel, molten salts for reactors, waste forms for various salt, oxide, and metallic high-level radioactive waste streams, the direct disposal of spent oxide fuel, and application of testing and modeling approaches to other materials.  He is active in designing material durability tests through the ASTM-International Nuclear Fuel Cycle committee and the American Nuclear Society, and has served on several ad hoc committees, including those evaluating glass melter options for the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant, storage options for spent commercial and DOE-owned fuel, waste plant design, and cost-benefit assessments from a waste management perspective.