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Yang Liu

Postdoctoral Appointee

Dr. Yang Liu conducts research to address modeling and computational challenges in deep decarbonized power grids with high percentage of renewables.


Dr. Yang Liu is a Postdoctoral Appointee in the Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis Division. His research interest includes electrical power system modeling, simulation, dynamics, stability and control. He holds a PhD (2021) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He was a visiting scholar at Harvard University (2019) and an intern at ISO New England (2021). Dr. Liu has participated in diverse DOE projects with close collaborations with multiple national laboratories. He is currently leading the research and development of powerSAS.m, a semi-analytical solution-based open-source power system simulation tool.

ANL-CEEESA/powersas.m: PowerSAS.m - A power grid analysis toolbox based on semi-analytical solutions (SAS) for Matlab/GNU Octave (github​.com)