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Yu Li

Postdoctoral Appointee



Yu Li received his Ph.D. in physics, from the Rice University in  2018.  He worked as a postdoc in the Louisiana Consortium for Neutron Scattering (LaCNS) and Physics Department at Louisiana State University from 2018 and joined the Materials Science Division as a Postdoctoral Appointee at Argonne in 2021.

Yu’s research includes: design and synthesis of bulk crystals with various methods; magnetic and charge transport measurements; neutron/X-ray scattering; and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). He is interested in understanding electronic and magnetic properties in high-Tc superconductors, correlated electron systems, topological materials and exotic spin textures in magnetic materials.


Selected Publications


  • Topological Hall effect and magnetic states in the Nowotny chimney ladder compound Cr11Ge19Yu Li, Xin Gui, Mojammel A Khan, Weiwei Xie, David P Young, JF DiTusa, Physical Review B, 103 (2), 024445.(Link)
  • Flat-band magnetism and helical magnetic order in Ni-doped SrCo2As2, Yu Li, Zhonghao Liu, Zhuang Xu, Yu Song, Yaobo Huang, Dawei Shen, Ni Ma, Ang Li, Songxue Chi, Matthias Frontzek, Huibo Cao, Qingzhen Huang, Weiyi Wang, Yaofeng Xie, Rui Zhang, Yan Rong, William A Shelton, David P Young, JF DiTusa, Pengcheng Dai, Physical Review B, 100 (9), 094446.(Link)
  • Coexistence of Ferromagnetic and Stripe Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in SrCo2As2Yu Li, Zhiping Yin, Zhonghao Liu, Weiyi Wang, Zhuang Xu, Yu Song, Long Tian, Yaobo Huang, Dawei Shen, Douglas L Abernathy, Jennifer L Niedziela, Russell A Ewings, TG Perring, Daniel M Pajerowski, Masaaki Matsuda, Philippe Bourges, Enderle Mechthild, Yixi Su, Pengcheng Dai, Physical review letters 122 (11), 117204.(Link)
  • Dynamic spin-lattice coupling and nematic fluctuations in NaFeAs, Yu Li, Zahra Yamani, Yu Song, Weiyi Wang, Chenglin Zhang, David W Tam, Tong Chen, Ding Hu, Zhuang Xu, Songxue Chi, Ke Xia, Li Zhang, Shifeng Cui, Wenan Guo, Ziming Fang, Yi Liu, Pengcheng Dai, Physical Review X 8 (2), 021056.(Link)
  • Orbital selective spin excitations and their impact on superconductivity of LiFe1-xCoxAs, Yu Li, Zhiping Yin, Xiancheng Wang, David W Tam, DL Abernathy, A Podlesnyak, Chenglin Zhang, Meng Wang, Lingyi Xing, Changqing Jin, Kristjan Haule, Gabriel Kotliar, Thomas A Maier, Pengcheng Dai, Physical review letters 116 (24), 247001.(Link)