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Reference | Factsheet | Argonne National Laboratory

Industrial Research at The Advanced Photon Source

image of the factsheet "Industrial Research at The Advanced Photon Source"

In fiscal year 2017, more than 260 users from industry carried out research at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science’s Advanced Photon Source (APS), not counting university researchers doing industry-supported experimentation. They utilized the APS high-brightness x-rays to study a broad range of industrially relevant technologies, including new forms of artificial lighting; improved cement for commercial and residential construction; failure-resistant steel for bridges and turbine engines, and failure-resistant lead-free solder; better ferroelectric materials for a wide range of electronics applications; and, of course, batteries: From lithium-ion to “beyond-lithium” multivalent metals, from improved cathode materials to solutions for battery degradation, the race to better energy storage is always on at the APS.