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Bioanalysis Laboratory

The Bioanalysis Laboratory works with a team of scientist to address national security concerns including the detection and characterization of biological agents.

The Bioanalysis Laboratory works in partnership with multidisciplinary teams of scientists from across Argonne National Laboratory to address national security concerns. The Bioanalysis Laboratory develops laboratory-based and computationally-based platforms for the detection and characterization of biological agents (i.e. B. anthracis &  SARS-CoV-2 virus) from complex environmental backgrounds. The Lab also develops bionuclear approaches (biologically-based and/or -enabled technologies) to support U.S. Nuclear Counterproliferation goals.

Bioanalysis Laboratory Highlights:

  • Laboratory-based biodetection projects include tracing anthrax outbreaks in Jordan and Pakistan.
  • Computationally-based biodetection projects include AI-enabled identification of genetic engineering in the environment.
  • Bionuclear approaches include the use of soil microbial communities to detect nuclear proliferation.
  • The Lab leverages unique expertise and resources from across the Laboratory including next generation sequencing, genomic/metagenomic analysis, high performance computing, artificial intelligence/machine learning, geographic information systems and nuclear fuel cycle experts.
  • The facility includes preparation laboratories, Biological Safety Level 2 (BSL-2) laboratories and a Class 1000 cleanroom.