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Advanced Energy Technologies

Multi-Physics Computation

Developing many of the novel tools and approaches to simulating, modeling, and analyzing the processes going on in engines

As vehicle technologies become increasingly complex—with the introduction of new powertrain configurations, new component technologies and control strategies—so too does the task of understanding all the potential interactions and implications of these rapid changes.

Argonne’s transportation research program leads the world in developing many of the novel tools and approaches to simulating, modeling, and analyzing the processes going on in engines that are used in industry and academia today. These tools help engine developers by providing the ability to create ​“virtual” engines and vehicles to test strategies with, rather than requiring physical prototypes for every possible configuration, potentially shaving years from development cycles.

Research Area

Multi-Dimensional Modeling

Modeling, simulation and optimization of internal combustion engines using advanced transportation biofuels to enhance the science for clean energy in the 21st century