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Reference | Factsheet | Advanced Energy Technologies

Argonne’s Water Power Technologies Projects Today

Partnering to Develop New Modeling Tools
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Valuation Guidance and Techno-Economic Studies for Pumped Storage Hydropower

Argonne is leading a multi-lab team for the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) to develop valuation guidance to account for all grid services and contributions from pumped storage hydropower (PSH) plants. Understanding the true value that PSH technology brings to the grid will be a big step forward, removing an obstacle that is faced by PSH developers.

Water Use Optimization Toolset

Argonne is leading a multi-lab team to integrate advanced modeling for hydrologic forecasting, seasonal hydro systems analysis, day-ahead and real-time operations, and environmental performance modeling. Water Use Optimization Toolset (WUOT) is a set of four tools that can be used independently or as an integrated suite to optimize hydropower planning, with the unique capability to simultaneously optimize water, power, and environmental performance.