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Research Highlight | Argonne National Laboratory

Short-lived isomeric beams to study atomic nuclei

Scientific achievement

First exploration of rotational states in 19F through neutron transfer reactions on a short-lived 18F isomeric beam (about 160 ns half-life).

Significance and impact

Our work sets the basis for using transfer reactions on high-spin isomeric beams in order to probe otherwise inaccessible aspects of nuclear structure.

Research details

  • The large spectroscopic strength observed for the 13/2+ state in 19F confirms the wave function purity expected in a maximally aligned terminating state
  • The agreement between shell-model calculations and our experimental results reinforces the idea of a single-particle/collective duality in the descriptions of the structure of atomic nuclei
  • ATLAS resources used: in-flight facility, HELIOS


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This research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science’s Office of Nuclear Physics.

Spectrum of nuclear excitations in 19F extracted from reactions on the 18F ground state (blue) and isomer (red). (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)

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