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Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System

Low Energy CARIBU Schedule & Calendar


List of target areas with color code and detector systems within area:
CARIBU area (red): CPT, EXO
Area 1 (green, old tandem hall): MTAS
EBIS (pink): all detector systems in ATLAS target areas

The calendar above shows low-energy CARIBU events relevant to our user community including 1) scheduled experiments in each target area, 2) development, maintenance and shutdown periods, and 3) conferences, workshops or meetings of the nuclear physics community potentially affecting CARIBU operations.

To enable/disable a specific calendar, click on the button in the upper-right corner of the calendar window then check/uncheck desired calendar.

Contact the ATLAS User Liaison with questions.

Critical Beam Change Request Form

Request a critical beam change on a scheduled experiment.

Critical Request