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Center for Molecular Engineering

Collaborative Research

The Center for Molecular Engineering partners with other research institutions, corporate entities and the global engineering community to develop game-changing technologies.

Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems Center

The Argonne-led Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS) Center is an Energy Frontier Research Center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. AMEWS works to solve the challenges related to the interface between water and the materials that make up the systems that handle, process and treat water.


Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science

The Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS) is a powerful collaborative of scientists and engineers from across Argonne that solves energy storage problems through multidisciplinary research. ACCESS is the key that unlocks the potential of energy storage, helping public and private-sector customers turn science into solutions.

Chicago Quantum Exchange

Chicago Quantum Exchange

The Chicago Quantum Exchange is an intellectual hub and partnership for advancing academic and industrial efforts in the science and engineering of quantum information. Based in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago, this center is designed to coordinate relevant activity across the disciplines and associated laboratories (Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory).

Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials

The Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials (MICCoM) develops and disseminates interoperable computational tools – open-source software, data, simulation templates, and validation procedures – that enable simulations and predictions of properties of functional materials for energy conversion and of solid-state materials for quantum information science. 

Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

A sister institution to the Center for Molecular Engineering, the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering is the first school in the nation dedicated to this emerging, fast-growing field.

Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation drives venture creation and technology commercialization within the University of Chicago and the surrounding community. Through education, partnerships, and new venture support, the Polsky Center advances the knowledge and practice of entrepreneurship and accelerates the commercialization of research. The Polsky Center helps students, faculty, staff, alumni, researchers and local entrepreneurs navigate the complex process of creating and growing a startup.


Q-NEXT brings together leading experts in quantum science and engineering at national laboratories, universities and technology companies, building an ecosystem that will accelerate technology commercialization for the emerging quantum economy.

U.S.-Israel Collaborative Water-Energy Research Center

Israel-U.S. CoWERC evaluates, develops and demonstrates new technologies to solve critical challenges at the energy-water nexus.