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  1. An authorized official from every user’s home institution must sign a User Agreement (UA) before user projects can begin; complete a user agreement questionnaire if necessary. UA’s spell out liability and intellectual property concerns.
  2. You must be registered to work at the CNM and have an accepted proposal.
    1. Read Preparing for Your Visit and review Working at CNM.
    2. Schedule instrument time with your CNM contact.
    3. Inform the User Administrator when your instrument time is confirmed.
    4. Ensure that all colleagues visiting Argonne have registered.
    5. Arrange for delivery of samples and materials.
    6. Make your hotel reservation.
  3. Complete the user work submittal form (UWS, this is coordinated by the User Office).
  4. Take the online core training courses for Argonne facility users; you must have an Argonne badge to sign in to the online system. Allow time to take any additional safety training courses upon arrival at the CNM.
  5. To access Argonne National Laboratory and the CNM, bring two pieces of identification. Acceptable forms of ID for both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens can be found here
  6. For safety and security reasons, it is necessary to know of all facility users present in the CNM (Buildings 440 and 441). Users are required to log in and out at the kiosk in the lobby or at the rear entrance from the APS Experiment Hall.