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Research Highlight | Center for Nanoscale Materials

AI-Enabled Functional Imaging for Electron Microscopy

In a study published in npj Computational Materials, researchers report nanoscale resolution with transmission electron microscopy using an automatic differentiation method.

Scientific Achievement

High accuracy high spatial resolution functional imaging of magnetic domains and retrieval of microscope parameters were achieved in Lorentz transmission electron microscopy using a new method based on automatic differentiation (AD).

Significance and Impact

This approach for phase retrieval and functional imaging will enable insights into behavior of nanoscale magnetic spin textures under low-dose and in-situ conditions.

Research Details

  • The new method maintains high spatial resolution and is robust against noise at high defocus conditions needed for imaging weak magnetic and electric fields.
  • Phase retrieval using simulated and experimental images was demonstrated. The method also retrieves experimental electron-optical parameters which is not possible using existing methods.

Work was performed in part at CNM.


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