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Research Highlight | Center for Nanoscale Materials

Bifunctional Janus Particles as Synthetic Nanoparticle Antibodies

In a study published in Nano Letters, researchers developed a therapeutic antibody platform based on synthetic bifunctional nanoparticles.

Scientific Achievement

The lateral force required to move a 1D shape molecule in the direction parallel to its molecular axis is found to be about half of that required to move it sideways, due to frictional force anisotropy traced to the shape of the molecule.

Significance and Impact

SNAbs are a versatile and effective functional alternative to monoclonal antibodies, with advantages of a plug-and-play, cell-free manufacturing process, and a high-throughput screening-enabled library of potential targeting ligands.

Research Details

  • The Argonne Chromatic Aberration-corrected TEM (ACAT) and Talos TEM at CNM were used
  • TEM results confirmed the asymmetric modification of the Janus SNAbs.

Work was performed in part at CNM.


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