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Article | Center for Nanoscale Materials

Capitol Hill to Hear from User Facilities

Three Argonne user facilities are participating in the User Science Exhibition on Capitol Hill March 28-29, 2012, to highlight the significant and important role that scientific user facilities play in science education, economic competitiveness, fundamental knowledge, and scientific achievements in the United States.

Representatives of the Center for Nanoscale Materials, Advanced Photon Source, and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility meet in Washington, D.C. with their counterparts from the other user facilities represented by the National User Facility Organization (NUFO). There will be back-to-back exhibits in the House and Senate office buildings featuring posters from each NUFO facility. In addition, there will be specialty posters on industrial involvement and small business generation and scientific accomplishments. Scientists from each user facility will be available to answer questions, and several will speak to congressional representatives about the science being done at their facilities, how science advances the nation’s quest for new technological advances and improves the quality of life for all Americans. The exhibits are open to all.

The Senate event will take place Wednesday, March 28, in Room G50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Invited speakers will kick off the reception at 4:00 p.m. The House event will be Thursday, March 29, in the Cannon Caucus Room in the Cannon House Office Building, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Invited speakers will kick off the reception at 4:00 p.m.

NUFO represents the interests of all users who conduct research at U.S. national scientific user facilities, as well as scientists from U.S. universities, laboratories, and industry who use facilities outside the United States. The CNM representatives will be CNM facility users Prof. Michael Zach and student Corina Grodek, of the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, and Kathleen Carrado Gregar, CNM User & Outreach Programs Manager.