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Feature Story | Center for Nanoscale Materials

CNM Participates in 2014 NanoDays Outreach Event

On April 14, 2014, the CNM held a Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE) NanoDays Event for 62 local fifth-grade science students and their teachers. CNM has a strong committment to activities that increase science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) literacy and enthusiasm among students, their families, and educators.

The NanoDays kits were an excellent resource for this audience, and the ready-made hands-on activities were enthusiastically received by the students and teachers. The NanoDays kits selected for use in this activity included Invisibility, Memory Metal, Capillary Action, Oobleck, Exploring Poperties - Electric Squeeze, Electroplating, and The Powers of Ten Game. CNM Interim Director Andreas Roelofs organized the event, and he was supported by the following CNM volunteers: Saptarshi Das, Diana Berman, Adina Luican-Mayer, Carlos Alvarez, Tamara Koritarov, and Julie Emery.

NanoDays is a nationwide educational program about nanoscale science and engineering and its potential impact on the future. NanoDays events take place at science museums, research centers, and universities across the country every year, engaging people of all ages in learning about nanoscience and nanotechnology.