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Center for Nanoscale Materials

Materials Handling and Shipping

Users are advised to keep to a minimum the amount of hazardous materials they bring to the CNM. Please check to see if your scientific contact can arrange for needed chemical reagents. If the needed chemical reagents are not available, try to arrange for direct shipment from the manufacturer or supplier to the CNM.

Transportation of chemicals to Argonne must conform to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements and, except for properly packaged material brought in under the small quantity exception mentioned in the tables below, may NOT be carried in by researchers in vehicles they are driving.

CNM users needing to transport hazardous material to the CNM are advised to contact support organizations at their home institutions to determine what is permitted under Federal Aviation Administration and DOT regulations. Please do NOT assume you know the regulations.

Shipping Chemical Waste Off-Site

Wastes are materials that have no further use. Hazardous wastes may not be shipped from Argonne but must be disposed of by the Laboratory. Argonne and the CNM make this service available at no cost to you as a CNM user.

To use this service, someone from your group and someone from the CNM (your scientific contact) must be aware of the history of the materials comprising the waste. In particular, a member of your group and a CNM staff member will have to indicate whether the material has been used in a location where it has been subject to activation or radiological contamination.

Although there are alternatives for chemicals whose history is not well known, they are more expensive, and the CNM seeks to avoid associate analytical costs if possible.

Federal law places significant restrictions on the shipment of hazardous chemical wastes. The CNM has arranged for the disposal of chemical wastes you generate while working there at no cost to your home institution, thereby eliminating the need for you to ship materials to your home institution.

Options for Moving Materials TO the CNM FROM Other Locations

DOT Hazard Classification Argonne Shipping Department User Transport on the Argonne SiteUser-Arranged Carrier Pickup

Nonhazardous Materials Not Classified as Hazardous by DOT or Centers for Disease Control Not applicableAllowedAllowed1,2

Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods and Etiological Agents

1. Small quantities of qualifying materials Not applicable Coming soon, but not yet           available3Ground ship only permitted1,2

Air/rail/water not permitted

2. All other hazardous materials Not applicable Not permitted Not permitted

1 Shipping papers shall be addressed as from: User Name, User’s Home Institution, c/o the User Organization, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439.

2 If the sender is an Argonne employee or if Argonne material is being sent, the shipment must be arranged through the Argonne shipping department.

3 In accordance with the small quantity exception as specified in CNM Procedures).

Reagents and Samples that Might Require Further Study

Any samples that might require further study should not be considered waste. Such materials may be transported to your home institution in conformance with the procedures identified herein, as may unused chemical reagents and intermediates.

Options for Moving Materials FROM the CNM TO Other Locations

DOT Hazard Classification Argonne Shipping Department User Transport on the Argonne Site User-Arranged Carrier Pickup

Nonhazardous Materials Not Classified as Hazardous by DOT or Centers for Disease Control AllowedAllowedAllowed1

Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods and Etiological Agents

1. Small quantities of qualifying materials Allowed Coming soon, but not yet available4Ground ship only permitted5,6 

Air/rail/water not permitted

2. All other hazardous materials Required Not permitted Not permitted

4 In accordance with the small quantity exception as specified in CNM Procedures). Please note that although the CNM is in the process of making arrangements for shipment of small quantities of many classes of hazardous chemicals, those arrangements are not yet in place. However, the Advanced Photon Source (APS) has a similar program in place. If you will also be working at the APS, you may be able to bring materials to the CNM under the APS program.

5 Users should not identify Argonne as the shipper. Shipping papers shall be addressed as follows: FROM: User Name, User’s Home Institution, c/o the user organization, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439

6 If the sender is an Argonne employee or if Argonne material is being sent, the shipment must be arranged through the Argonne shipping department.


You should identify special storage requirements for materials that you will ship to and store at CNM facilities on the safety submittal form describing your work. Your CNM scientific contact will let you know where these materials may be stored.

Recommendations of Things to Bring


Please bring copies of operations manuals for equipment brought to the CNM.

Material Safety Data Sheets

As required under federal law, each hazardous material shipped to the CNM must be accompanied by a material safety data sheet (MSDS). Please bring a copy of the most current MSDS (under most circumstances, no more than two years old). The CNM does not require MSDSs for samples, but does require that the following information accompany samples shipped to the CNM:

  • Available information characterizing known and suspected hazards
  • Recommended precautions

Shipping Materials

Users are not permitted to transport hazardous material on the Argonne site or to arrange for shipment directly to the CNM. Hazardous materials must be processed through Argonne’s hazardous materials receiving area.

Inbound Shipments

Before you ship anything to the CNM, you must notify the User Office and your CNM contact.

Nonhazardous Material

To ensure that samples and equipment that you ship to the CNM gets here without unnecessary delays, address your shipments as follows:

Recipient’s name
c/o Name of CNM Contact
Center for Nanoscale Materials
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439

Federal Express makes daily deliveries during normal business hours. If you will be on-site during off-hours or on weekends, deliveries are accepted at the Argonne Guest House and held at the registration desk for your pickup. During these periods, you are responsible for checking with the Guest House registration desk to see if your shipment has arrived.

Hazardous Material

If the material that you plan to ship is considered hazardous as defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation, contact your CNM Contact for guidance. The CNM User Safety Coordinator is also available for guidance and assistance. Use the following address for shipment of hazardous materials:

Recipient’s name
c/o Building 46, Hazardous Materials Receiving
CNM Contact Name: Judith Yaeger
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439

Outbound Shipments

Discuss options with your CNM contact.