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2021 CNM Colloquium Archive

Current CNM colloquia.

Date Title
Dec 8, 2021 Operating quantum states in a magnetic molecule, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Host: Dafei Jin. ABSTRACT
Oct. 27, 2021 Optically-active systems at the atomic scale, Jeffrey Guest, Quantum and Energy Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Xiao-Min Lin. ABSTRACT
Oct. 13, 2021 Quantum Diamond Sensors, Ronald L. Walsworth, University of Maryland, Host: Elena Rozhkova. ABSTRACT
Sept. 29, 2021 Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers Reaching for Room Temperature Operation, Jerome Faist, ETH Zurich, Host: Benjamin Diroll. ABSTRACT
Sept. 15, 2021 Imaging glass dynamics and excited state dynamics on the sub-nm scale, Martin Gruebele, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sarah Wieghold, ABSTRACT
Sept. 1, 2021 Manipulating Nanoscale Interactions at Nano-Bio Interface, Elena Rozhkova, Nanophotonics and Biofunctional Structures, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Elena Shevchenko. ABSTRACT
Aug. 18, 2021 Renaissance of Megaelectronvolt Electron Scattering, Xijie Wang, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Host: Jianguo Wen, ABSTRACT
Aug. 4, 2021 Hexagonal Boron Nitride - emerging platform for Quantum Photonics, Igor Aharonovich, University of Technology Sydney, Xuedan Ma. ABSTRACT

July 30, 2021

NST Director's Special Colloquium
Bioinspired Polymer Microelectronics
, Sihong Wang, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago. Host: Ilke Arslan. ABSTRACT
July 21, 2021 Electronic Dynamics Underlying Molecular and Nanoplasmonic Light Harvesting Studied by Ultrafast X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Oliver Gessner, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, Host: Gary Wiederrecht, Abstract
July 14, 2021 "Developing Quantum Photon Sources from Low-dimensional Semiconductor Materials", Xuedan Ma, Nanophotonics and Biofunctional Structures, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Pierre Darancet. ABSTRACT
June 23, 2021 Accelerating Exploratory Materials Synthesis with Data, Machine Learning, and Robots, Joshua Schrier, Fordham University, Host: Pierre Darancet. Abstract
June 9, 2021 Single and Multicomponent Superlattice Structures with Perovskite Nanocrystals; Structural Diversity and Collective Emission, Maksym Kovalenko, UTH Zurich, Host: Elena Shevchenko. ABSTRACT
May 26, 2021 Quantum State Engineering with Integrated Nonlinear Photonics, Linran Fan, University of Arizona, Host: Xu Han. ABSTRACT
April 28, 2021 Exotic Interactions with Light and Sound in Metamaterials with Broken Symmetries, Andrea Alu, City University of New York (CUNY), Host: Pierre Darancet, ABSTRACT
April 14, 2021 Robot-accelerated Materials Discovery: From Perovskites to Photon Avalanches, Emory Chan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Host: Jie Xu. ABSTRACT
Mar. 31, 2021 On-surface Reactions and Single Molecule Charge Transitions Controlled by Atomic Manipulation, Leo Gross, IBM Zurich, Host: Saw-Wai Hla, ABSTRACT
Mar. 3, 2021 Sara Schkrabak, Indiana University Bloomington, Host: Elena Shevchenko, ABSTRACT
Feb. 17, 2021 Zeger Hens, Ghent University, Host: Richard Schaller, ABSTRACT
Feb. 3, 2021 Liangbin Hu, University of Maryland, Host: Yuzi Liu
Jan. 20, 2021 "Chiral Plasmonic Nanomaterials by Templated Growth and Assembly of Gold Nanocrystals", Luis M. Liz-Marzan, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain, Host: Xiao-Min Lin, ABSTRACT
Jan 6, 2021 Vanessa Wood, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Host: Benjamin Diroll, ABSTRACT