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Argonne National Laboratory

Emeritus Scientists and Engineers

Recognizing important contributions to the laboratory

The title of Emeritus,” conferred at the time of retirement, recognizes the individual’s important contributions to the laboratory.

In 2006, Argonne created a new honorary status for qualified staff. This title is granted only to the most distinguished contributors. Individuals whose primary contribution was in a scientific discipline will be conferred with the title of Argonne Emeritus Scientist, and those whose primary contribution was in an engineering discipline will be conferred with the title of Argonne Emeritus Engineer. The title of Argonne Emeritus is conferred upon individuals whose work was outside of the laboratory R&D career structure.

The eligible retiree must first be nominated by the cognizant division director or associate division director and then approved through the Programmatic and Operations Committee’s hires and promotions process. Factors to be considered are educational level, grade level at retirement, years of service at the laboratory, scientific/engineering accomplishments, and recognition by the national and international scientific community as evidenced by awards received by the individual. Awarding of the Emeritus title also requires approval of the Argonne Director.

Emeritus status has been bestowed upon the following individuals:
  • Ayres, David S.
  • Bader, Samuel D.
  • Erdemir, Ali
  • Felcher, Gian
  • Gruen, Dieter
  • Harding, Lawrence B.
  • Henning, Walter F.
  • Kaper, Hans
  • Kaufmann, Elton
  • Markovic, Nenad
  • Miller, Dean
  • Moré, Jorgé
  • Schultz, Arthur
  • Thackeray, Michael
  • Thurnauer, Marion
  • Tiede, David  
  • Wagner, Albert
  • Wolf, Dieter