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HEP-CCE is a collaboration of four national laboratories [Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL)], six HEP experiments (ATLAS, CMB-S4, CMS, DESI, DUNE, LSST DESC), and four high-performance computing facilities (ALCF, ESnet, OLCF, NERSC).

HEP-CCE is led by Salman Habib (Argonne, PI) and Paolo Calafiura (LBNL, deputy PI), in collaboration with three institutional leads: Kerstin Kleese Van Dam (BNL), Adam Lyon (FNAL), and Peter Nugent (LBNL).

The project strategy and priorities are overseen by representatives of the participating experiments and other stakeholders. The four technical teams work on these priorities and explore new directions in collaboration with our stakeholders.

HEP-CCE’s goal is to be a communication hub for the computational HEP community and a point of contact with related ECP, SCIDAC, and NSF activities. All HEP-CCE working meetings are open to anyone interested. HEP-CCE sponsors these open workshops to review progress, discuss priorities, and define projects. It will organize targeted training in collaboration with its partners to disseminate results and gather input on experiment requirements.