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The world is at the cusp of a dramatic transition in the energy infrastructure. Batteries are central to this transition, however, rapid movement to electrification requires as much as a twenty-fold increase in manufacturing capacity, including mineral refining, recycling, material production, component processing, and cell/pack manufacturing.

Achieving this target requires a holistic strategy that brings together all stakeholders, including private industry, national laboratories, and the federal government. Li-Bridge is a public-private alliance aimed at bridging the lithium battery supply chain gap. It works to bring together stakeholders to develop and execute a national strategy.

Our Structure

Li-Bridge serves as the nucleus, bringing together private industry, national laboratories, and the federal government.

Next Steps

We are planning a series of strategy forums for 2022. The forums will discuss the opportunities, and the technological, financial, regulatory, and other challenges for developing a U.S.-based supply chain. The ultimate goal is to deliver recommendations to both the private and public sectors to ensure alignment with and successful realization of the goals outlined in the Blueprint.  

Li-Bridge is not a funding entity. The U.S. government has a large and robust program funding battery research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDD&D). The government has existing mechanisms aimed at distributing funding, such as Request For Proposals (RFPs) and Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). Li-Bridge is an ecosystem creator that will align the stakeholders towards the national need and inform the government as to the gaps and opportunities. 

Get Involved

The energy transition requires a concerted efforts from all stakeholders. We encourage participation in this national dialogue. 

For private U.S. companies that are already members of one or more of the identified Li-Bridge convenor organizations (NAATBatt International, NY-BEST, New Energy Nexus), should connect with them to ensure inclusion in the forums.  

For other U.S. entities, including private companies that are not already members of these organizations, non-DOE federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), academic institutions, and state/local governments, please sign up to receive Li-Bridge updates to ensure you receive information about the forums and related events.