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Bridging the U.S. Lithium Battery Supply Chain Gap

As widespread electrification drives demand for lithium-based batteries to power electric vehicles and stationary storage, the domestic battery supply chain must expand.

Li-Bridge is a public-private alliance committed to accelerating the development of a robust and secure domestic supply chain for lithium-based batteries.

Argonne leads coordination of Li-Bridge by serving as the facilitator between private industry and the Federal Consortium for Advanced Batteries, which released a National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries, 2021 – 2030. The Blueprint aims to put the U.S. on a path to long-term competitiveness in the global battery value chain.

Convenor Organizations

Argonne will work with DOE national labs across the country to meet national Blueprint goals. In addition, private industry participation will be facilitated through an alliance with three U.S.-based convenor organizations: